About Me

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This is a blog for John Weber. One of my joys in life is helping others get ahead in life. Content here will be focused on that from this date forward. John was a Skype for Business MVP (2015-2018) - before that, a Lync Server MVP (2010-2014). I used to write a variety of articles (https://tsoorad.blogspot.com) on technical issues with a smattering of other interests. I have a variety of certifications dating back to Novell CNE and working up through the Microsoft MCP stack to MCITP multiple times. FWIW, I am on my third career - ex-USMC, retired US Army. I have a fancy MBA. The opinions expressed on this blog are mine and mine alone.


move that sql database


SQL 2005SP3 (I am told this should work on SQL2008 also but I have not confirmed)

detach the database from server 1

attach the database to server 2

recreate the user at the SQL level – then get denied because the user already exists inside the database.  Ooops!

Flail.  Repeat.  LOL. 

Seriously, for those of us who are not SQL admins, this stuff is a different language.  Some cursory gooogly work revealed my total lack of sql syntax knowledge.  A call to an SQL programmer-now-IT-Manager friend of mine gave me some good insight, and we (he) figured out the following fix.


use databasename
exec sp_change_users_login 'update_one', 'nameinsidedatabaseaccount', 'nameinsidesqlsecurityaccount'

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test 02 Feb

this is a test it’s only a test this should be a picture