About Me

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This is a blog for John Weber. One of my joys in life is helping others get ahead in life. Content here will be focused on that from this date forward. John was a Skype for Business MVP (2015-2018) - before that, a Lync Server MVP (2010-2014). I used to write a variety of articles (https://tsoorad.blogspot.com) on technical issues with a smattering of other interests. I have a variety of certifications dating back to Novell CNE and working up through the Microsoft MCP stack to MCITP multiple times. FWIW, I am on my third career - ex-USMC, retired US Army. I have a fancy MBA. The opinions expressed on this blog are mine and mine alone.


DL Management from Outlook

Exchange admins typically add/remove members from distribution lists.  However, as the organization grows in numbers and complexity, this situation needs addressing.

You would think that simply adding the appropriate user to the DL manager as shown would work, but that is not the case.


You will also need to do a little add-adpermission tweaking like this (the line may wrap):

add-adpermission -identity: “DL Group1” -User:domain\joe.tester -accessrights readproperty, writeproperty -properties ‘member’

you can add a group to this also:

add-adpermission -identity: “DL Group1” -User:”display name of permissions group” -accessrights readproperty, writeproperty -properties ‘member’

After this, the user should be able to open the DL from the outlook address book and modify the member list.  If you have a multiple domain scenario and this does not work, you have a global catalog issue.

My thanks to http://knicksmith.blogspot.com/2007/04/delegating-distribution-group.html for pointing me in the right direction to remember what I had forgotten.  Thanks Nick!

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test 02 Feb

this is a test it’s only a test this should be a picture