About Me

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This is a blog for John Weber. One of my joys in life is helping others get ahead in life. Content here will be focused on that from this date forward. John was a Skype for Business MVP (2015-2018) - before that, a Lync Server MVP (2010-2014). I used to write a variety of articles (https://tsoorad.blogspot.com) on technical issues with a smattering of other interests. I have a variety of certifications dating back to Novell CNE and working up through the Microsoft MCP stack to MCITP multiple times. FWIW, I am on my third career - ex-USMC, retired US Army. I have a fancy MBA. The opinions expressed on this blog are mine and mine alone.


Outlook attachment size error

Do you get this error in Outlook and Exchange 2007.

Finding the fix took me a bit of time, so here is how to fix it.

I cannot remember where I found this, but kudos to whoever posted it.


Start adsiedit and locate

Configuration => Configuration => Services => Microsoft Exchange => First Organisation => Global Settings => Message Delivery

Right click the Message Delivery container, and choose Properties. In the Attribute list, locate DelivContLength and SubmissionContLength.

I suspect both values are set to something like 10240. If the values are present and set, double click both attributes, and then click the Clear button followed by the OK button. At this point the value should be <Not set>.

In my case, an unlimited size was not desireable, so do a little math.  The 10240 roughly equals a 10MB attachment. You can set something like 100000 for 100MB or 25000 for a 25MB attachment.

Now, either allow for a replication cycle to go through, or force a replication. Then restart the Exchange Services. Perform a test to see if the actions performed yielded the desired results

The screenshot shows the first of the two.  In my virtual that was behaving like your environment, both of these had a 10240 in them.



Unknown said...

how do i start adsiedit?

tsoorad said...

install admin tools - adsiedit.msc is one of them.

Unknown said...

Why not just use Exchange System Manger > Global Settings? This is what controls those AD entries.


Anonymous said...

I have one customer out of 250 getting the same error, even when she sends attachments smaller than 1 MB. She doesn't have any different settings than anyone else. Know what the trouble might be? Should I just redo her Outlook profile?

tsoorad said...

I would do that first.
If you have worked through the settings as noted, then you are down to wondering what is up with th workstation or maybe you mistakenly limited just the one user account.
1. Does the problem follow the user to another workstation?
2. What are the limite noted for the user if you do get-mailbox userID | fl * ??

test 02 Feb

this is a test it’s only a test this should be a picture