About Me

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This is a blog for John Weber. One of my joys in life is helping others get ahead in life. Content here will be focused on that from this date forward. John was a Skype for Business MVP (2015-2018) - before that, a Lync Server MVP (2010-2014). I used to write a variety of articles (https://tsoorad.blogspot.com) on technical issues with a smattering of other interests. I have a variety of certifications dating back to Novell CNE and working up through the Microsoft MCP stack to MCITP multiple times. FWIW, I am on my third career - ex-USMC, retired US Army. I have a fancy MBA. The opinions expressed on this blog are mine and mine alone.


change of venue

Well, WaMu is gone.

6th largest banking entity in the US bought out.  Pennies on the dollar.

Makes you wonder - if 2% of the mortgages in the US have defaulted, and there is a spectre of all the ARMS going down also, what is the true value of the property?

I know that the county I live in has always raised the taxes every year - an action which contributes to my property value going up.  If my property value deflates by 20-30% due to this "financial crisis," will the county lower my taxes by a like amount? 

Somehow, I do not think so.  Money grubbers will always spend more than they can bring in.  Politicians will always take actions that increase their clout and monetary control (equates to the same thing, eh?).



Quote of the Day

I saw this in reference to the liberal (generally) media of the Western culture (both Euro and USA).

"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Winston Churchill


OCS 2007 passwords

Just had serious fun with a failing install of OCS SE.

Ended up being service account passwords that had a space in them.

WOW.  You gotta be kidding me.

There are a variety of hotfix and QFE and updates that purportedly fix this, but how the fsck are you supposed to get that stuff in place when the silly thing won't even finish the install?

AAR, changed the passwords and now we are good.




OCS 2007 and ISA 2006

Do you have a need to publish the various OCS 2007 components to the internet for remote users, federation, PIC and the like?

Go here for an awesome tutorial on how to accomplish this.




Beer and Taxes

For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.

Let's see if the politicians can figure this out...

Tax System explained in beer.

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

  • The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
  • The fifth would pay $1.
  • The sixth would pay $3.
  • The seventh would pay $7.
  • The eighth would pay $12.
  • The ninth would pay $18.
  • The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.

So, that's what they decided to do.
The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. "Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20."Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.
The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free.

But what about the other six men - the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?'
They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.
And so:

  • The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).
  • The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).
  • The seventh now pays $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).
  • The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).
  • The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 ( 22% savings).
  • The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.
"I only got a dollar out of the $20,"declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man," but he got $10!"
"Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a dollar, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more than I!"
"That's true!!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!"

"Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison. "We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!"
The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.
The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D.Professor of EconomicsUniversity of Georgia


e2k7 message size limits

not my material, I am just posting it.  Good stuff though!



I was contacted by some person who bitched me out regarding me having cross posted some material, and that I did not link back, suck up, or somesuch.

So, I removed the content and replaced it with a link.


Seeing as how this blog is really so I can always access information I need, I sure wonder who this IAMME person is...Amit Tank did not seem to have any issue, I never claimed it was my own material, gees, something for free, and someone complains about it.

Go figure.


Standby Continuous Replication (SCR)

Exchange 2007 SCR Setup

(or, subtitled, Patience is a Virtue)

1. Make sure that the drive array setup for the source server and the target server are identical. At a bare minimum, the same drive letters must be available. With enough space.

a. For this specific example

i. F: (logs)

ii. G: (SG1\DB1)

iii. H: (SG2\DB2) (public folder DB)

iv.  Full paths are not needed upfront, but will work if they are present.  What is needed is the duplicate drive arrangement.  If the source server has the logs and whatnot on Drive F, then the target needs to have the same arrangement.

2. Ensure that the servers both have Exchange 2007 SP1

3. Modify the registry for remote streaming backup – this is “on” for RTM, “off” for SP1. This needs to be enabled or SCR will not work.

Name: Enable Remote Streaming Backup
Value: 0 = default behavior (remote backup disabled)
1 = remote backup enabled

4. Restart msexchangeis on each server.

5. Commands will work from each server, but for simplicity sake, we will operate commands from the target server because there is a chance that the update-storagegroupcopy may need to be run manually – and that requires working from the target server (same as CCR).

6. Commands that will be used – these are the same commands used for CCR and LCR. The difference is that SCR needs to have “-standbymachine targetserver)” at the end of them, or things don’t look right or work right.

a. Enable-storagegroupcopy

b. Suspend-storagegroupcopy

c. Resume-storagegroupcopy

d. Update-storagegroupcopy

e. Get-storagegroupcopystatus sourceserver\* -standbymachine targetserver

7. Enable-storagegroupcopy sourceserver\sg1 –replaylagtime 0.0:10:0 –truncationlagtime 0.0:10:0 –standbymachine targetserver

a. This enables the storagegroup for SCR, with a log file delay of 10 minutes, and waits for 10 more minutes before truncating the log file.

Replaylagtime- Time that the Microsoft Exchange Replication Service should wait before replaying logs. Default is 24 hours and max time is 7 days.

TruncationLagTime- Amount of time Microsoft Exchange Replication Service waits before truncating log files that have been copied to the target

b. Do this for each SG that is needed.  Be Patient!

c. Be patient after running this command. About five minutes will do.

d. If there is a need to manually seed, wait the five minutes.

a. If needed, update-storagegroupcopy sourceserver\SG1 –standbymachine targetserver

b. Be patient. The command should resume the storagegroupcopy status to active when it gets done.

OK. So we have good SCR:



e2k7 full access for a group

Do you have an email account in e2k7 that needs to grant full access to for a group of other people? Do they need to also be able to send-as that account?

1. Create the account.

2. Create a security group.

3. Populate the security group with the lucky individuals.

4. Run the following from the PS: add-mailboxpermission.

5. Step through the command. The zippy screen shot illustrates this. You can also give it the command on one long string if you can ever figure out the syntax.

a. The first identity is the account that is granting the rights.

b. The second identity is the account (in this case an SG) that needs to access/send-as.

6. You could modify this to just fullaccess or just sendas. Also receiveas.

7. Remove-mailboxpermission is the reverse of this process.



e2k7 antispam primer


I have zero idea who this guy is, but he deserves a medal of sorts for this blog on Exchange IMF, be it 2003 or 2007.

Very nice material.


Kudos to Bharat Suneja whoever you are.  Nicely done.


quote for today

In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. - Bill Cosby


java hog

Everyone calls MS bloatware, heavy, overloaded, etc etc.

I just had to install Java Runtime to play some silly internet game.

This freakin thing wants 143MB of drive space so websites can have little plugin bullshit operate.


And MS is bloatware. 

I wonder just how much of the "bloatware" is actually "I hate MS."

Today's quote

No life is so hard that you can't make it easier by the way you take it."

-Ellen Glasgow

weather break

woo hoo!

Only 38 this morning.

So I kicked the missus to the curb and rode to work.

Froze my damn fingers, but it will be worth it this afternoon when it is supposed to be mid-50's.

There is something about an Italian liter that seriously fires up your day.


less is more

G. Thorogood - I hope I have that spelling correct and I am too lazy to check it just now.

"Louie to Frisco" - very nice.

Pounding keyboards, hard sax, driving guitar licks.  The band sounds like it might have played together a time or two.

Reminded me what I like about music.

Have a great day.


great quote

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

George Orwell



ws08 server backup is the same as the vista business/ultimate/enterprise version.


Very nice.

Install the Windows Server backup options.

Backs up to VHD format.  Almost capable of doing bare-metal restores.

Minasi: http://www.minasi.com/newsletters/nws0801.htm has a nice readout of using it with Vista.

I just duplicated that effort with a smallish WS08 installation....very nice.

Financial Markets explained

This is as about as accurate as it gets...



Brits, but who better to tell the truth than the phlegmatic?

Maybe it is just me

Has anyone else notice the bifurcation (trifurcation?) of the Dems candidates?

The exit polls showed black americans typically voting for Obama because of race and the female americans typically voting for Klinton because she is a woman.

What the republicans are doing is another matter for another day.


But I wonder.  Clearly, we are going to have a Dem candidate that is either black or a woman.  Will they get bright and have both of them on the same ticket?


e2k7 powershell commands 1

display mailbox stats by name, item count, total size, host server

I get asked how to view simple stats in Exchange 2007 - like which are the biggest mailboxes? Or, who has the greatest number of items.

Here are a few powershell commands you can use.  

Get-MailboxServer | Get-MailboxStatistics | select displayname,itemcount,totalitemsize | ConvertTo-HTML | Out-File C:\Test.htm

get-mailbox | get-mailboxstatistics | FT displayname, itemcount, totalitemsize, servername

get-mailbox | get-mailboxstatistics | select-object displayname,itemcount,totalitemsize | export-csv c:\mailboxsurvey2.csv

get-mailbox jweber | get-mailboxstatistics | select-object displayname, itemcount, totalitemsize, lastloggedonuser, lastlogontime, lastlogofftime, servername, databasename | export-csv c:\exchangereports\userstats.csv

list email users (e2k7)

<disclaimer - this is not my work - I horked it from somewhere, I am just sharing it>

Do you have a lot of users? Do you wish you could list them by size, name, number of items?

Get-MailboxStatistics | sort-object -descending totalItemSize | select -first 5 | ft DisplayName, @{expression={$_.totalitemsize.value.ToMB()};label=”Mailbox Size(MB)”}, itemcount, lastlogontime

Change the “select -first 5″ to whatever number you like.

ws08 hibernate

Believe it or not, the ws08 server comes with hibernation turned on.

And you cannot turn it off from the gui.

Turn it off from the CLI

Powercfg /hibernate off

I understand that maybe working with UPS units might be a good option to use hibernate - it may come back to life faster and with no service startup issues.

But what if you have a server with 16GB RAM and all of a sudden you have this hibernate.fil sitting on the root of C?


WS08 Server Core Terminal Services Mgmt

turn remote desktop on:


cscript scregedit.wsf /ar 0

If you want xp workstations that don't have the vista rdp client (v6) to be able to connect, then you need:

cscript scregedit.wsg /cs 0


Clear as mud, eh?

ws08 core firewall for RDP

To enable the WS08 firewall to allow RDP do the following


Ws08 core netsh

Netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Desktop" new enable=yes

Outlook attachment size error

Do you get this error in Outlook and Exchange 2007.

Finding the fix took me a bit of time, so here is how to fix it.

I cannot remember where I found this, but kudos to whoever posted it.


Start adsiedit and locate

Configuration => Configuration => Services => Microsoft Exchange => First Organisation => Global Settings => Message Delivery

Right click the Message Delivery container, and choose Properties. In the Attribute list, locate DelivContLength and SubmissionContLength.

I suspect both values are set to something like 10240. If the values are present and set, double click both attributes, and then click the Clear button followed by the OK button. At this point the value should be <Not set>.

In my case, an unlimited size was not desireable, so do a little math.  The 10240 roughly equals a 10MB attachment. You can set something like 100000 for 100MB or 25000 for a 25MB attachment.

Now, either allow for a replication cycle to go through, or force a replication. Then restart the Exchange Services. Perform a test to see if the actions performed yielded the desired results

The screenshot shows the first of the two.  In my virtual that was behaving like your environment, both of these had a 10240 in them.


VMWare & AMD dual core cpu clocks

With the growing wave and industry push to virtualize, and my recent (unpleasant) experience with vmware workstation and AMD dual core CPU's, I thought would put together a few observations.

1.  This problem did NOT exist under VPC or VS2005r2.  Don't know why; same host hardware, same RAM, same CPU, same host OS build.  But, it sure did not happen.

2.  The problem existed with VMWare Workstation 6.0.2, and it also happened under v5 and v6.0.

3.  CPU is AMD Turion x64.  From reading the internet, it also occurs with Athlon x64 and Opteron.  The AMD website has drivers for the Phenom series, so I assume that the issue exists with their new chips.

4.  Symptoms are that the guest OS runs the clock at least 300% faster than the host clock. 

a. This is caused by the host OS not handling the CPU TSC (time stamp counter) correctly. 

b. This is a Windows thing. 

c.  The issue is all about the hardware and the OS.  Empirically, Windows handles Intel chips  differently than the AMD chips.

5.  There are a variety of suggestions: here is what worked for me.

First make sure that global config.ini for vmware has the following contents:

This file is USUALLY located:  "c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\vmware\vmware workstation" - it will be different for a Vista host.

The first line is the rating of your cpu in gHz.  Mine is a 2.0, but the host reports it as 1994mHz.

host.cpukHz = "1994000"
host.noTSC = "TRUE"
ptsc.noTSC = "TRUE"
host.TSC.noForceSync = "TRUE"
prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = "TRUE"

a.  http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/TechnicalResources/0,,30_182,00.html

Each AMD cpu has an "updates, drivers, & utilities" section.  Each one appears to be a tad different.

This driver is seriously needed just so that Windows and *nix (certain kernel levels) know how to handle the cpu. 

In my case, this was the first step - a side note - it sped up my host system by about 10-15% - or so it seems.

b.  Windows MS KB 896256 and  the AMD Dual-Core Optimizer. In theory, the MSKB does the same thing, but it only made things better, it did not FIX IT.  The installation of the AMD tool onto the host is what fixed things.  I have both installed on the host.

c.  Random observations - my XP guest detected an AMD driver update when I did all the updates.  The ws03 and ws08 updates did not find this.  And, as you may have guessed, this little update did not help anything.  Installing the AMD cpu driver into the guest did absolutely nothing to help things.

Politics defined

Poli = many

tics = blood sucking insect


'nuff said.

Outlook 2007 Certificate Error

I am reposting this because it took me a goodly amount of time to find this information/fix when I encountered it - Shudnow.net is the source - I did not have to use every step, but I did faithfully work through each item just to make sure.

Let's get started!

When importing a new certificate into Exchange 2007, you might encounter a certificate error in Outlook 2007. I have included a screenshot of the error I encountered today:


When you choose the View Certificate button, it brings up another window that shows you what certificate is in error. In this case, the certificate name is “mail.shudnow.net.”

So the million dollar question? Why the error?

Well, when we install a new certificate, there are a few tasks we want to do. Obviously, we install the certificate for a purpose. This purpose is till allow us to use Exchange services securely. So how do we enable Exchange to use these services? If you are planning to do a very simple configuration and do not care about external Autodiscover access, you do not need to use a Unified Communication Certificate. You can read more about these certificates in one of my other articles here.

So let’s say we have a simple regular common certificate. A certificate with a Common Name (CN) of mail.shudnow.net We install this certificate onto our Exchange box with its’ private key. In our case we were migrating so we did not have to request a certificate via IIS. We just exported it with its’ private key and imported onto the new box. We then assigned this certificate to IIS. Now I went to the Exchange Management Shell and enabled Exchange services to use this certificate. In order to do this, you must run the following commands:


Thumbprint Services Subject

———- ——– ——-

BCF9F2C3D245E2588AB5895C37D8D914503D162E9 SIP.W CN=mail.shudnow.net.com

What I did was go ahead and enable all new services to use every available service by using the following command:

Enable-exchangecertificate -services IMAP, POP, UM, IIS, SMTP -Thumbprint BCF9F2C3D245E2588AB5895C37D8D914503D162E9

The next step would be to ensure the AutodiscoverInternalURI is pointed to the CAS that will be your primary CAS for Autodiscover servicing.

Get-ClientAccessServer -Identity CASServer | FL

AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri : https://casnetbiosname/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml

See the issue here? We are not using a UC certificate that contains the names, “casnetbiosname, casnetbiosname.shudnow.net, mail.shudnow.net, and autodiscover.shudnow.net” Since the Autodiscover directory in IIS will be requring SSL encryption, the url specified in the AutoDiscoverServiceInternalURI must match what is specified in your certificate. You must also ensure there is a DNS record that allows mail.shudnow.net to resolve to your CAS. We should re-configure the AutoDiscoverServiceInternalURI by using the following command:

Set-ClientAccessServer -Identity CASServer -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri https://mail.shudnow.net/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml

We now need to go configure all the InternalURLs for each web distributed service. Here is the reason why we were receiving the certificate errors. Your InternalURLs most likely are not using mail.shudnow.net. Your InternalURLs are most likely pointed to something such as https://casnetbiosname/ServiceURL which will fail since this is not the CN of your simple certificate.

You can run the following commands to fix your internalURLs so your Outlook 2007 client can successfully take advantage of your web distribution services.

Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Identity “CASServer\EWS (Default Web Site)” -InternalURL https://mail.shudnow.net/EWS/Exchange.asmx -BasicAuthentication:$true

Set-OABVirtualDirectory -Identity “CASServer\OAB (Default Web Site)” -InternalURL https://mail.shudnow.net/OAB -BasicAuthentication:$true

Enable-OutlookAnywhere -Server CASServer -ExternalHostname “mail.shudnow.net” -ExternalAuthenticationMethod “Basic”-SSLOffloading:$False

Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Identity “CASServer\Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)” -ExternalURL https://mail.shudnow.net/Microsoft-Server-Activesync

Set-UMVirtualDirectory -Identity “CASServer\UnifiedMessaging (Default Web Site)” -InternalURL https://mail.shudnow.net/UnifiedMessaging -BasicAuthentication:$true

Elan Shudnow :: Aug.10.2007 :: Exchange, Microsoft :: No Comments »

Allowing Application Servers to Relay off Exchange Server 2007

I get asked, or I hear this question, repeatedly. Clearly, this is a function that needs implementing in almost every organization. I use option 1 (read below). There have been times when I created several of these - it makes admin a lot easier if you have many subnets or individual IP addresses to include.

(this material is not my creation, I am merely posting this)

From time to time, you need to allow an application server to relay off of your Exchange server. You might need to do this if you have a SharePoint, a CRM application like Dynamics, or a web site that sends emails to your employees or customers.

You might need to do this if you are getting the SMTP error message “550 5.7.1 Unable to relay”

The top rule is that you want to keep relay restricted as tightly as possible, even on servers that are not connected to the Internet. Usually this is done with authentication and/or restricting by IP address. Exchange 2003 provides the following relay restrictions on the SMTP VS:


Here are the equivalent options for how to configure this in Exchange 2007.

Allow all computers which successfully authenticate to relay, regardless of the list above

Like its predecessor, Exchange 2007 is configured to accept and relay email from hosts that authenticate by default. Both the “Default” and “Client” receive connectors are configured this way out of the box. Authenticating is the simplest method to submit messages, and preferred in many cases.

The Permissions Group that allows authenticated users to submit and relay is the “ExchangeUsers” group. The permissions that are granted with this permissions group are:

NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users {ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit}

NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users {ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Routing}

NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users {ms-Exch-Bypass-Anti-Spam}

NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users {ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient}

The specific ACL that controls relay is the ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient.

Only the list below (specify IP address)

This option is for those who cannot authenticate with Exchange. The most common example of this is an application server that needs to be able to relay messages through Exchange.

First, start with a new custom receive connector. You can think of receive connectors as protocol listeners. The closest equivalent to Exchange 2003 is an SMTP Virtual Server. You must create a new one because you will want to scope the remote IP Address(es) that you will allow.


The next screen you must pay particular attention to is the “Remote Network settings”. This is where you will specify the IP ranges of servers that will be allowed to submit mail. You definitely want to restrict this range down as much as you can. In this case, I want my two web servers, & to be allowed to relay.


The next step is to create the connector, and open the properties. Now you have two options, which I will present. The first option will probably be the most common.

Option 1: Make your new scoped connector an Externally Secured connector

This option is the most common option, and preferred in most situations where the application that is submitting will be submitting email to your internal users as well as relaying to the outside world.

Before you can perform this step, it is required that you enable the Exchange Servers permission group. Once in the properties, go to the Permissions Groups tab and select Exchange servers.


Next, continue to the authentication mechanisms page and add the “Externally secured” mechanism. What this means is that you have complete trust that the previously designated IP addresses will be trusted by your organization.


Caveat: If you do not perform these two steps in order, the GUI blocks you from continuing.

Do not use this setting lightly. You will be granting several rights including the ability to send on behalf of users in your organization, the ability to ResolveP2 (that is, make it so that the messages appear to be sent from within the organization rather than anonymously), bypass anti-spam, and bypass size limits. The default “Externally Secured” permissions are as follows:

MS Exchange\Externally Secured Servers {ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authoritative-Domain}

MS Exchange\Externally Secured Servers {ms-Exch-Bypass-Anti-Spam}

MS Exchange\Externally Secured Servers {ms-Exch-Bypass-Message-Size-Limit}

MS Exchange\Externally Secured Servers {ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Exch50}

MS Exchange\Externally Secured Servers {ms-Exch-Accept-Headers-Routing}

MS Exchange\Externally Secured Servers {ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit}

MS Exchange\Externally Secured Servers {ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient}

MS Exchange\Externally Secured Servers {ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authentication-Flag}

MS Exchange\Externally Secured Servers {ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Sender}

Basically you are telling Exchange to ignore internal security checks because you trust these servers. The nice thing about this option is that it is simple and grants the common rights that most people probably want.

Option 2: Grant the relay permission to Anonymous on your new scoped connector

This option grants the minimum amount of required privileges to the submitting application.

Taking the new scoped connector that you created, you have another option. You can simply grant the ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient permission to the anonymous account. Do this by first adding the Anonymous Permissions Group to the connector.


This grants the most common permissions to the anonymous account, but it does not grant the relay permission. This step must be done through the Exchange shell:

Get-ReceiveConnector "CRM Application"  | Add-ADPermission -User "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON" -ExtendedRights "ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient"

In addition to being more difficult to complete, this step does not allow the anonymous account to bypass anti-spam, or ResolveP2.

Although it is completely different from the Exchange 2003 way of doing things, hopefully you find the new SMTP permissions model to be sensible.

More information

See the following for more information:

test 02 Feb

this is a test it’s only a test this should be a picture