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Thanks to Mr. Caragol!
You read it here second…
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Thanks to Mr. Caragol!
Dropped off an HRS 458 at a customer yesterday, OOBE. Setup took about 5 minutes (have to hook up cables and whatnot), created an account for it, and powered it up.
A little access to the web interface, and I have a unit up and running, logged into on-premises Skype for Business pool, and dang!
The HRS starts barfing on finding the calendar for the account. This is not good. Some quick checking shows that the environment has no record internal, but it does have an SRV. I know, but don’t ask me. Not my slice of life at this customer.
However, this does show that an OOBE for the HRS, firmware 3.0.2.xxxx needs to have something other than just an SRV record.
A little judicious communication revealed a new firmware being available for the HRS. My contact inside AC indicated that his notes showed that the “problem” was resolved with 3.04.1192 release. What the heck, I tried it.
Voila! Problem solved.
Of course, now we have to ask why no A record (or CNAME), and why put in the SRV record, not know why it was done, and then never question the mechanics of it, or actually solve the original issue that resulted in the SRV record. Well, I get to ask at any rate, not sure I will ever get the answers.